Blog — Honey

Honey Processing and Extraction

Honey Processing and Extraction

Howey right off the comb, coming out of the extractor, through a filter, and ready to be bottled.


What is Burr Comb vs. Ladder Comb?

What is Burr Comb vs. Ladder Comb?

Sometimes the bees get overly ambitious and build extra comb in places we don't wat it.  Depending on where they build...

About the Queen Bee

About the Queen Bee

Supersedure Queen Cells.  Notice how they are larger that the rest of the cells in the comb.

About Honeycomb

About Honeycomb

Honey strands pulled  between pieces of comb.

Read the article

Capped Honey

Capped Honey

Here we have a "capped" frame of honey that's ready to be harvested.

capped honey